Many people tend to avoid credit cards because of very high-interest rates and other charges. When you think of getting a credit card, you're not only paying for the amount that you borrowed, you're also paying for the services that allowed you to purchase. Many credit cards have very high fees which immediately turn people off.
Fortunately, there are a few credit cards that offer some of the lowest ongoing APR and a good example of that is the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card. This credit card allows you a generous amount of time to pay off your debt and gives you some of the lowest interest rates in the market.
Check out how you can apply for the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card by reading this article.
How to Apply for the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card
The online application for the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card is very simple. All you need to do is head over to the official U.S. Bank website and click on the “U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card” in the menu.
Select “Apply”, and you will be taken to another page where you need to fill out your personal information such as your mobile number and Social Security Number for confirmation.
After that, fill out the application form, including your name, email address, mobile number, and many other details. They will also ask for several documents which you need to prepare beforehand to upload them on the website.
Once done, review the information as well as the terms and conditions before submitting the form. It will only take a few minutes before you'll receive a decision. You may receive a call if you're approved for further instructions, or you can check your email for that.
Prepare These Required Documents
Before you apply for the card, make sure that you prepare certain documents and increase your chances of getting approved. You will also need to have a credit score ranging from 670 to 850 in order to apply for the card.
Applicants must be 18 years old and above and must be residents of the United States. You must have an income, whether you are employed or self-employed, and must be able to present documents such as ITR and salary slips to prove it.
You can also use utility bills, mortgage contracts, and government-issued IDs as proof. Make sure that you have digital copies of these documents before you apply online or a copy of these documents if you wish to apply at a local US Bank branch.
Benefits of the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card
One of the biggest draws with the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card is its very competitive interest rates. The credit card is one of the only few cards that offer a 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 18 billing cycles and transitions to a variable rate of 19.49% to 29.49%.
This APR is one of the lowest in the market, and you have 18 months to enjoy the 0% interest rate as long as you pay off your dues each month.
You also do not need to pay any annual fee to continue using the card. Additionally, you'll receive a balance transfer fee of a minimum of $5 or 3% of the amount that is being transferred, whichever is greater.
While there is no rewards program, the card offers long-term value with its intro APR.
Find Protection
Another great thing about the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card is its security features, where you stay safe when using the card with the help of its embedded microchip.
This prevents people from accessing your information. The bank also monitors every transaction done using the card. If the bank suspects anything unusual with the transaction, they will immediately call you and provide you with the necessary steps to prevent any further issues with your account.
You'll also get insurance from using the card such as the cellphone insurance where you get coverage from damage or theft as long as you pay your phone bill using the card.
Free Credit Score
With the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card, you'll receive a complimentary credit monitoring tool through TransUnion's CreditView. This allows you to monitor your credit score and see if it is heading the way you want it to be.
Many people often need to apply to get their credit score, but with this feature, you can easily see the results in a matter of minutes.
You can then review and see which transactions have made an impact on your credit score so you can do more to help either build or recover from a decrease in your credit score.
Is the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card the Right Card For You?
If you want a credit card that offers 0% intro APR for as long as 18 months, then the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card is the right fit for you.
There are a lot of things that you can do with this period by simply taking advantage of paying zero interest fees and other charges when using the card.
If you make a big purchase that needs to be paid off in a long time, the 18 billing cycle is long enough for you to help pay off such debt.
Before you apply, make sure that you have paid off previous debts and that you have tried to use a credit card interest calculator to help you with your decision to apply for this card.
How to Contact Them
If you have further inquiries about the card or you need assistance during your online application, you can call them at 800-717-6166 from Monday to Saturday. A bank representative will be able to assist you with your queries.
You can also visit their main office at 800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402
You might think that a credit card without any rewards program is not worth getting, but the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card's competitive interest rates and fees make it a very desirable card to own. If you're looking for a way to finance a big purchase or pay off an existing debt, the lengthy 0% APR offer from this card is suited for you.
Note: All credit products carry risks. Be sure to read the card's terms and conditions before applying.
Spanish version: Tarjeta Visa® Platinum de U.S. Bank: Aprende cómo solicitarla, los beneficios y más